New Year’s Resolutions 2025 – Write them down: „goals, plans, wishes…“

von helpfully

Let’s be honest – most of us have New Year’s resolutions for 2025. Writing them down? That’s a game-changer! It helps me get super clear on what I want to achieve, dream about, or just keep in mind for the year. Plus, it’s a great way to make sure I don’t forget my brilliant ideas halfway through January.

We hope this printable template from helpfully brings you tons of joy and inspires you to jot down a few goals, big or small. Here’s a fun tip: we’ve been doing this as a family tradition for a few years now. At the end of the year, we dig out last year’s resolutions and go through them together. It’s absolutely hilarious (and a little mind-blowing) to see what stuck, what changed, and what totally didn’t happen. Try it out!

Hier downloaden als PDF

All you need to do is print this A4 PDF template in black and white (portrait, 100% original size). Grab a pen—or some markers if you’re feeling creative—and fill it in with your resolutions and thoughts. Do it solo or make it a fun activity with your family and friends.

Keep your plan somewhere safe, so you can check in throughout the year and reflect when December rolls around. What stayed the same? What evolved? What worked out, and what flopped? Either way, it’s all part of the journey!

From all of us at helpfully we wish you a year full of health, happiness, gratitude, laughter, amazing people, and unforgettable moments. 2025 is going to be epic—no doubt about it!

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