Wall Art – A Quote About Life: „Cherish…“ (printable)

von helpfully

This quote came to me after a night with friends that had it all – laughs that made our stomachs hurt, tears we didn’t see coming, and those little moments you know you’ll hold onto forever. I’m not a poet, and let’s be honest, my words probably won’t end up in any famous books. But they’re real, they’re mine, and they come straight from the heart. Maybe, just maybe, they’ll resonate with someone out there and bring a little comfort or inspiration. And that’s enough for me. TR, helpfully.de

click, download, print

You can easily print out this quote at home and hang it up to add a touch of inspiration to your space. There’s a template available in both A4 landscape and A4 portrait formats to suit your style.

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3 Kommentare

Ella 16. Januar 2025 - 19:25

I ‚cherish‘ the effort you put into your website ❤️

helpfully 17. Januar 2025 - 10:13

Ella, thank you so much! It’s so cool to have you here (:

helpfully 18. Januar 2025 - 9:04

Ella, thank you very much for your message, we are very happy that you cherish TR’s quote, we do too ❤️


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