Learning Colors for Children – „Color Splashes Memory“ (english)

von helpfully

Welcome to the world of color splashes!
Dear parents and teachers, get ready to add a splash of color to your childrens day! These fun and free PDF worksheets are perfect for teaching colors in a playful way. Our cheerful color splashes, with their silly faces, are waiting to be colored in all the vibrant shades you can imagine! Whether at school or at home, these creative templates will make learning colors a blast.

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The first few pages are all about creativity – color each splash with the right shade and write the name of the color next to it. From black and white to pink and green, blue and red, yellow and white every color gets its time to shine! And here’s the fun part: once you’re done, cut out the cards and turn them into an exciting memory game! It’s not just about matching colors but remembering their names too – a double dose of fun and learning.

And don’t worry, we’ve made it easy for you: the last page has the color splashes and their names already filled in, so you can print, cut, and play right away! Whether it’s for classroom fun or a little color practice at home, this engaging teaching material is sure to bring smiles to both kids and adults.
Ready to get started? Print out these free PDFs, grab your crayons, and let the color adventure begin! Brought to you with love from helpfully.de

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