DIY calendar 2025 for your own ideas “For photos & more”

von helpfully

Create your own 2025 – DIY Calendar for Photos & More! Looking for a fun and creative way to organize your year? Our our printable calendar is here to make every month a little more personal! With 6 easy-to-use templates, you can add your own photos, drawings, or even collages to turn this calendar into a masterpiece of memories.

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  • 6 DINA4 pages, 2 months per page: Keep track of your days while showcasing your creativity.
  • Plenty of space at the top: Perfect for your favorite snapshots, doodles, or custom designs.
  • A calendar as unique as you are: Whether it’s for yourself, as a gift, or a fun family project, this is the ultimate way to capture your year.

Download the pdf, print, and get started: This is more than just a calendar – it’s your personal memory maker!

Brought to you with love by helpfully – because creativity has no limits.

By the way, in the photo you can see us at Christmas – this year under the motto “all red”. My little boys are already too cool to be models on helpfully, so it’s just us girls (:

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Willkommen bei – dein Spot für geniale kostenlose PDF-Vorlagen für viele Gelegenheiten! Ob für dein Zuhause, das Büro, den Verein oder die Schule: Unsere helpfullys sind für Privatpersonen, Lehrer:innen und soziale Einrichtungen gratis verfügbar – absolut easy! Also, viel Spaß beim Stöbern und Nutzen – und wenn’s mal technisch holpert, kein Drama – Hauptsache, du bist hier. Jetzt ran ans Durchklicken, Entdecken und Ausdrucken!

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